I am at a place in my life at age 37 (almost 38) where I can say I am happy with who I am inside and out. I by no means think I am perfect, but I love myself and accept myself, strengths and weaknesses.
Did I get here all by myself? Yes and no.
I would say I’ve taken the round about way, and success is by no means linear. The biggest times of growth for me though, were when I invested in working with someone that knows more about what I want to know or do, than I know. It saved me a lot of time, hassle, and confusion of trying to figure it all out myself. That’s not to say I didn’t need to put in work to learn and grow, but having guidance gave me a map to follow.
I wanted to do bikini competitions, so I hired a coach and I did two.
I wanted to learn Olympic Weightlifting, so I hired a coach and I learned how.
I did at one point think about hiring a nutrition coach myself to help me learn what I needed to eat to reach my goals, but at that point, I’d been in this game long enough and had done enough courses to sort of fall into place and do it myself – but it took me years to figure that out!
Currently, I wanted to become more Spiritual and calm so I enrolled in a year long class to help me do that, and let me tell you, I am so much more chill and happy than I used to be.
I wanted to get better at Crossfit, so I work with one of the coaches at my box every other week, and I’ve gotten better.
My point is – if you invest your time, money and energy into something with an open mind and open heart, you WILL be successful. Having someone care about you and your success makes all the difference in the world.
I could not have learned nearly as much without all of these people in my life!
Your friends and family probably care, but they will not hold you accountable like a coach will. Someone that is passionate about the area of your life you are working on together is invested. The people close to you may even resist seeing you change because it makes them uncomfortable, and a coach can help you work through that too.
I have worked with many personal training clients over the years and the ones that hit their goals were the ones that showed up with an open mind, willing to learn, willing to listen to what they were told, and then just do it. None of them were perfect.
Did you hear that? ZERO people have been perfect, but the ones that
- got back up every day and
- were consistent and committed,
- honest and open with what they did right or wrong and
- learned from it,
- with the support of their coach MADE LASTING CHANGE.
Let me get behind you and be your cheerleader. Let me help you navigate this part of life we call nutrition so that you can learn and get what you want, without spending years flailing yourself about, going from diet to diet, giving up and then starting again.
Let’s do this NOW, together! I’ve got you!